Terms and Conditions.
Terms & Conditions
1. Booking process
a. The dog walking field can only be booked by appointment using our online booking system.
b. Each booking is private; it may not be transferred or sublet.
c. Once you have booked you will receive a gate code to access the field. This code will be changed regularly.
d. Please note that your 50 minute session includes the time it takes you to enter and leave the car park. There is a 10 minute gap between sessions.
e. Please do not arrive early for your session, if you arrive before you session has started please wait in your car with your dog. Please bear in mind that some dogs (and owners) are reactive and will need their own space to load and unload.
f. Users are permitted to bring up to four dogs.
2. Using the park
a. On arrival please ensure the previous user is in their car before getting our of your car to unload your dog/s
b. Dogs should be kept on a lead until the gate has been locked inside the dog exercise area
c. It is the responsibility of the user to pick up and dispose of any waste created by their dog/s
d. Do not allow your dog to dig holes or otherwise damage any of the facilities provided
e. The user is responsible for their dog/s and guest at all times, neither should be left unattended
f. Gates should be kept locked between users and during use of the field
3. Children and Guests
a. With each booking two people are permitted to use the park.
b. The User must be over the age of 18
c. Children are permitted but are the responsibility of the user
d. For actions that contravene the terms and conditions by the guest and/or the dog/s the user will be held responsible.
4. Dog Behaviour and noise
a. Keep noise to a reasonable level, warnings will be issued for dogs and/or Users who bark and/or shout.
b. Dog aggression is not tolerated. Please report this.
5. Dog Health
a. Dogs should have up to date worming and vaccinations
b. Dogs showing signs of illness should not be brought to the dog park
c. Dogs that have come from abroad should have received all necessary treatments and allowed necessary time periods to have elapsed before they are brought to the dog park.
d. We will not accept responsibility for injury, illness or death of your dog from using our facilities. You are advised to insure your pet for all eventualities.
6. Conditions in the park
a. The field is a large outdoor space, and contains natural hazards consistent with the countryside. We check and maintain the field regularly to ensure it is fit for use.
b. Please report any safety concerns you have to Patrick.harvey.23@outlook.com and we will fix these as soon as is reasonably practical.
7. Fencing
a. We inspect and maintain the fence on a regular basis, please contact us if you notice any issues with the fence.
b. This field is not inspected after every use. As a result a previous user’s dog may have dug a hole under the fence. Before releasing your dog into the field please inspect the fence and ensure it is safe to do so.
c. It is our intention to provide a safe contained environment for 95% of dogs – there are some exceptional pups out there unfortunately we cannot cater to everyone!
8. Fire hazards
a. Smoking, BBQ’s and Fires are not permitted
9. Professional dog walkers/trainers
a. Professional dog walkers/trainers are permitted and encouraged to use the park
b. Professional dog walkers/trainers must be able to show upon request public liability insurance.
c. Professional dog walkers/trainers are permitted to bring up to 6 dogs
10. Emergencies
a. The operators have the right to cancel any booking in the event that the exercise area is affected by an emergency / ‘Act of God’ at any time. All fees will be returned to the user in an emergency situation.
11. The operators reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time. Any variations so made should be deemed to be incorporated in these conditions.
12. Preservation of Rights
a. This agreement does not create any rights over the land
b. The user hiring the field accepts the landowner maintains control and possession of the dog field at all times.
13. Personal Responsibilities
a. The operators are not responsible and will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, injury or death how so ever and by whom so ever caused it
b. Excepting that caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of the Operator or it’s employees, whether to property, dogs, or person(s) sustained whilst at the dog exercise field.
14. Contraventions of the Terms and conditions
a. For standard contraventions of the terms and conditions there is a three tiered system for warning and ultimately banning Users
i. Green – Verbal warning of contravention, email issued
ii. Amber Warning – Verbal warning of second warning and a final chance, email issued
iii. Red – Ban
b. For extraordinary contraventions of the terms and conditions the operators of the park reserve the right to ban Users without any warning.
i. Examples of extraordinary contraventions include but are not limited to:
1. Intentional damage to any part of the park
2. Abusive behaviour by dogs or humans to dogs or humans
3. Contraventions of the terms and conditions leading to actual bodily harm of a dog or person
15. Our Fences’ limitations
a. The fence is 1.8m high this is designed to contain most dogs. If your dog can jump over a 1.8m fence please do not use this dog walking park.
i. We will accept no liability for any damage that comes to your dog if the dog jumps over the fence
b. The fence has a flexible mesh measuring 50mm x 100mm. This will prevent most dogs from putting their heads through the fence but not all. If your dog’s head can fit through this size of flexible mesh fencing please do not use this dog walking park.
i. We will accept no liability if a dog damages themselves by sticking their head through our fence.