XL Bully
Terms and Conditions
As all XL Bully owners are more than aware from the 1st of February it is a criminal offence to own an XL Bully without a certificate of exemption.
Before booking we ask that owners who bring an XL Bully to the Bishops Stortford Dog fields comply with the following restrictions.
Send a digital copy of the Certificate of Exemption to patrick.harvey.23@outlook.com
Send a digital Copy of your liability insurance to patrick.harvey.23@outlook.com
Unload and load your dog inside the field with the gate locked behind you
Arrive and leave within your 50 minute slot - there should be no reason for dogs from different bookings to come into contact with each other
XL Bullies should only be walked in the field with dogs from the same household if there is only one handler present
The last thing we want are dogs not to be able to get the exercise they need to live a happy and fulfilling life, secure dog fields should be the perfect environment for that.
Unfortunately if we have verified complaints by other users that these restrictions have not been complied this will result in that user being permanently banned.
Please call 07823 536701 for any for information regarding our XL Bully policy - whether or not you have one!